2007. december 1., szombat

Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

1. Read the first paragraph and think about what makes it ironic on the one hand and how Austen uses irony to introduce the main conflicts in the novel on the other hand.

2. Think about possible categorisation of the novel as a romantic comedy, a novel of education and as a novel of manners, and list examples from the text.

3. Find elements of sentimentalism, romanticism and realism in the novel

4. What does the title mean? Who is proud and who is prejudiced? Is there a way of extending these adjectives to other characters too?

5. List and examine the main characters in terms of their place in the social hierarchy: who is on top, who is in the middle, etc… Is there a way to cross class barriers? If yes, what is it?

6. Think about the moral standard applied to women as represented in the novel: are the same standards applied to men? If yes / no – why? What happens to a girl when she falls into disgrace? Who has the power to save her reputation, or: does anyone really has the power to save her reputation?

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Szilagyi- Bereczki_Timea írta...

Novel of manner:"'Oh!Single my dear,to be sure!A single man of large fortune;four or five thousand a year.What a fine thing for our girls!'" Novel of education:"It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in posession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife."
Romantic comedy:"But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them,and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes."3.sentimentalism:"'My dear,you flatter me.I certainly have had my share of beauty...'"Romanticism:"But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them..."Realism: "the business of her life was to get her daughters married;its solace was visiting and news."4.The title means:pride which refers to the beleif of the characters from the novel which is the feel of importance(Elizabeth).Prejudice:an unfair opinion or feeling about the other person,for Example Darcy towards Elizabeth.There is way to extend these adjectives to other characters, as the novel is all about how pride and prejudiced these people were.5.On top there was Elizabeth,Fitzwilliam,Mr and Mrs Bennett.There could be a way to cross barriers, however the whole story should be read in order to complete this task.6. definitely not the same standards applied to men in the novel. men were more free to do what they wanted to do. However, women with good wealth were also more free than other women who were not so rich.If a woman falls in disgrace in Austen's novel, she was to be outcasted by the society. It was the age when social backround and wealth was determening ones position in the society.I doubt that there was anyone with the sufficient power to save the reputation of a lady with failed behaviour.